なぜこの教会にしたの? (JCを通過し国内外に引っ越した人)

My boyfriend (now husband) moved to Tokyo and became a member of JC. He had found JC on the recommendation of an acquaintance. About a year later I also moved to Tokyo so naturally went to JC…
On the first visit my impression was that the people were very friendly, the praise was very sincere and inspiring. But the really good thing for me personally was that on that first visit I had a big blind spot in my understanding of the Bible revealed to me through the teaching.
There was no need to look around for another church. JC had every thing that a Christian could want (fellowship, straight bible teaching, fun).
The Pastor loves the word of God and he teaches it in a very real and down to earth way. The Bible is the rule at JC not “religion”, “psychology”, or “humanism”. As I said before, the Bible is taught straight and I received a love for the word of God through being part of JC.
Another specialty that JC has that I have not found at any other church is that it is not only the Pastor who teaches, the members also teach each other through the word. I had my sins and misunderstandings shown to me in a very loving way by other mature church members so I could change my thinking and grow as a Christian.
Finally, the Pastor and members at JC really strive to be that – a community of followers of Jesus. They strive to build a community of believers in Jesus with no baloney. If I were forced to say what I recommend about JC in only one sentence I would say this: “there is no religious baloney there!”